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Charter of

the Deadwood Council

A Council of the Ministry of Executive Direction

I. Mission: To protect and serve the interests of the Holistic Recovery Project, Inc., as Determined by the Ministry of Executive Direction.


II. Hierarchy

A. The Deadwood Council of the Ministry of Executive Direction will be Overseen by the Commissioner of Deadwood, a participant serving at the leisure of Executive Direction. The Commissioner will be responsible for directing the actions of all Marshals of Deadwood.

B. Serving at the pleasure of the Commissioner will be designated a Flag Marshal. The Flag Marshal will command Marshals in the field, reporting directly to the Commissioner, and ensuring that duties of Deadwood are being performed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

C. Officers of Deadwood in the field will be designated Marshals. They serve at the pleasure of the Commissioner, and under direction of the Flag Marshal.

D. Certain Marshals who have proven capable will be independent officers, with duties and job descriptions applicable to each situation. These officers will be designated Field Marshals. They are appointed by, and report directly to Executive Direction.

E. Certain Marshals appointed for clandestine missions will be designated Sky Marshals. They will be appointed by the Commissioner and/or the Ministry of Executive Direction, and will be known only to the Commissioner and Executive Direction.


III. General Duties*:

A. Presence

1. Recovery through Wholeness. There will be at least one Marshal at each Circle of Recovery through Wholeness. There will be at least one Marshal at Inner Circle meetings, and at Karma Committee meetings of Recovery through Wholeness

2. Recovery through WellnessAdvocacy. Marshals will be available at Wellness gatherings and events as well as at Advocacy meetings if requested by the Director of Operations of either operation.


B. Duties of Individual Marshals

1. Duty to Report. Marshals are under obligation to report the conduct and general mood of Circles, Events, Gatherings and Meetings to the Commissioner. Marshals will report incidents and accidents using the Incident/Accident reports to be carried at all times. Marshals will be available to give participants who wish to lodge complaints Grievance forms which will be carried at all times. Marshals will also have available copies of the Sexual Harassment and Ethix policies for participants. All issues must be communicated to the Commissioner immediately. All completed forms must be submitted to the Ministry of Executive Direction within 8 hours of the incident.

2. Enforcement of Building-Use regulations. Marshals are under obligation to remind participants of, and to enforce when necessary rules of the facilities and property which host events of the Project.

3. Marshals will collect surveys (when handed out) and deliver them to Executive Direction as soon as possible. Marshals will deliver cards to be signed for prisoners and the injured to Circles of Wholeness, and return them to Advocacy when signed.

4. When in a Circle, Event, Gathering or meeting, Marshals will work under the direction of the Coordinator, Director of Operations or Facilitator. Marshals will follow the direction of the mentioned parties unless doing so conflicts with their primary duties.

5. Marshals will gather at least twice a month for a Deadwood Council Staff Meeting, at the direction of the Commissioner. More frequent Flag Meetings may be called by the Flag Marshal.


C. Materials Inventory: When at Project Circles, Events, Gatherings or meetings, all Marshals will carry the following -

1. Badge-Aiko or Project Identification

2. Grievance Forms

3.. Incident/Accident Forms

4. Copies of Sexual Harassment Policy

5. Copies of Ethix Policy

6. Contact information of Flag Marshal or Commissioner

*variable for each individual Sky Marshal